Friday, May 14, 2010

Won't young workers be facing huge increases in income taxes due to Obama's out of control spending?

Obama will be doubling the national debt before his first year in office!Won't young workers be facing huge increases in income taxes due to Obama's out of control spending?
He already has doubled it. I hope all the kids find good jobs, cause when this bill comes due I should be cozy in a nursing home.Won't young workers be facing huge increases in income taxes due to Obama's out of control spending?
It won't be just current young workers. It will be all workers. And it won't just be the current workers. Obama, Pelosi and Reid have mortgaged not only our futures but our childrens, grandchildrens and great-grandchildrens futures. If all of the spending already passed goes into effect The Obama will be responsible for tripleing the deficit in less than 5 years. This is just from the bills that have already passed. If The Obama and Pelosi pass what he has proposed, like Universal Health Care, the deficit will be even higher. How is it that the democrats harped on the deficit Bush left (and he did leave one) but then set about massively increaseing that deficit?
I think you are going to see a drastic decrease in the standard of living for the middle class. We hard working, taxpaying middle class are the ones that already are strapped as it is.

There are now over 40 % of people in this country that pays zero taxes. So, you keep taxing the middle class, Mr. and Mrs. Liberals. Soon, their will only be the poor and the very rich. There will be no middle class.

And I believe the rich will be those in the New World Order that the likes of Obama, Pelosi and Reid want to put in place.
Hello! Of course they will. I expect all 50% of tax payers (yes, that is all there is now) to be in a 25 to 30% tax bracket in no time. Remember Obama saying, ';We will have to make some hard choices';.........What do people think he meant by that? TAXES!

He just threw out the ';95% of tax payers will not see their taxes go up one cent'; to get elected. Watch him take away most deductions, or lower them. Cap and trade? Tax increase.
yes, they're going to support us.

I'm loving it.

I could care less now how big of a debt Obama and the Dems stick their young supporters with. This will give me a great retirement and advanced technology for healthcare.


Well said. They wanted him. They got him.
Yes, they will.

He won't be doubling the debt, it was over $10.6 trillion when he took office. Recently went over $11,000,000,000,000.00.

Damn, that is a lot of zeros.
Wait until they find out they will be forced to pay health insurance premiums of $40-50 a week regardless if they want to or not.
Because it is cheaper than the alternative.
Well, let's wait and see if that happens. Pretty hard to balance spending when half the tax income is used to simply service the debt left behind by the predecessors, and people scream bloody murder if any tax increase is even mentioned (don't wanna pay for what their government spent, even though they benefited, the greedy selfish little buggers).

I'll tell you what, though, cutting spending to the bare minimum will not be enough to clear that debt of ours, and we are all paying for that debt through other ways, like decreased standard of living. Denying this fact may make you feel better, but it doesn,t change the reality.

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