Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ughh my face was finally clearing and my back n chest were under control ..but now..?

this coud be stress alot..and theres NO way for me 2 stop stress...i mean ever since i started highskool a couple wks ago...i mean i barely have had bacne just a lil tinnnny bit and u couldnt see it, but now all the sudden my back(and it hurts) n chest is breakin out bad, and theres some lil tiny invisble bumps on my upper arms and upper back of my thighs.......just popped up, and i mean i cant stop stress and hormones and sweatin cuz i got skool and a very busy schedule ...i dont hsve time during skool to like i dunno blot my face or take a shower after PE, thers nooo skool is HELL...and im all self-coonscious and have soooo many thingd on my mind and thinkin about my acne and looks alll the time makes me stress even MORE which causes MORE acne and its a vicious cycle, i also try to eat good stuff, i alsways kinda have....idk wut else to do im tryin so many good natural things but alll my issues BETTER be fixed by homecoming, which is oct. 6th.......i alwasy say that tho..Ughh my face was finally clearing and my back n chest were under control ..but now..?
Well, most of your acne will probably have to be treated, I mean as your a teen it's not going to get better in a week unfortionately.

Keep a balanced diet, it helps (even if you don't realise). Wash your face and anywhere else where there is acne twice a day (no more). And what you said about sleep is right, aim for 9 hours a night, even if you aren't getting that much.

I suggest you go to a doctor, they can prescribe you something to help with your skin. My friend was put on birth control pills, but it didn't help much.

Personally (I have acne problems too) I went to a Chinese Herbal Clinic, I was given a terrible tasting herbal drink to have each night and also had to follow a few rules involving diet etc. It worked really well!! So check out something similar.Ughh my face was finally clearing and my back n chest were under control ..but now..?
Yep... definitely sounds like acne brought on by hormones. Go to your doctor... There are usually only 2 things that will mostly cure this: antibiotics or birth control pills. Trust me, I know, it happened to me too. The antibiotics worked a little... Birth control pills helped a lot!!!
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