Thursday, May 13, 2010

Do you agree that Banks should face fines over lax ID control?鈥?/a>Do you agree that Banks should face fines over lax ID control?
Yes, definitely.

We, the public, are constantly being warned to be more vigilant when disposing of items that contain our personal details but we have very little control when organisations we trust discard them without taking proper measures. The information being left out contain details we wouldn't ordinarily share with others.

The list of crimes that fraudsters can commit with just your name and address is truly mind-boggling and includes things like applying for a passport, setting up a bank account and taking out loans and ruining your credit (two of these things have happened to people I know). The details that you submit on a loan application carry further implications and you're simply asking for trouble if that ends up in the wrong hands.

If the banks can't already see the importance of protecting our identities adequately then hopefully fines will make them see sense.Do you agree that Banks should face fines over lax ID control?
absolutely- they are breaking the law regarding data protection etc. They are not above the law, so definitely.
no. Since banks have to reimburse you for any monies that is taken out of your accounts without your permission, I feel that that is enough. No one can take money out of your ATM or debit card w/o your PIN so how can anyone take the money unless you either give them the PIN or have the PIN written down somewhere that they can find it very easily. If you give someone your PIN or have it written down where anyone can get it, I believe you are responsible for your own losses.
oh yes

cos if our info gets found out we will pay for it, if you get my meaning..

so they should
YES! about time they got penalised more!
Yes I do. What is the point of us going out and buying a shredder so we can ensure that we are careful, if the banks are gift wrapping it for criminals in bin bags!
Banks should be held more accountable for what they allow than as we see now
I do Agree
YES!! they give illegals accounts all the time w/no SS # and an obvious illegal ID. then these people deposit wads of cash and don't declare it!! then all the tax payers have to pay their medical bills etc!!
Absolutely, but you think it will happen with Dubya and his boys in charge?

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