Friday, May 14, 2010

Ladies, do you think that the ';breast feeding'; phenomenon is getting out of control and bad facing FEMINISM ?

Because the women here in America are getting a bad rap for even

bringing this subject up. You see women breast feeding their babies

on MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo Answers, and more. Some

may say that these women are giving their children negative exposure, or publicity,

and causing harm to their emotional well being. Some also say that they are perverting a natural procedure with the bonding of mother and

child. Some say it is darn near incestuous, too. To have a grown a**

child sucking on his mom. Wow. Then there are those women haters,

who say that this is feminism at its worst, and they are only trying to

get attention and profit from this cause. Wheeeew. Did anybody see

20/20 on last night. What do you think.....................Ladies, do you think that the ';breast feeding'; phenomenon is getting out of control and bad facing FEMINISM ?
Wrap the baby in a blanket so no one can really see anything and all is good, whip it out for the world to see, and that constitutes indecent exposure.

I don't mean to offend, but it's true.

And as soon as they get teeth or turn 10-11 months old, it's time to put an end to it. My sister in law nursed all three of her boys until they were 3, they'd try and pull up her shirt in public and throw temper tantrums if they didn't get it. They REFUSED to drink from a cup, only from their mother. If the kid can say ';mommy, I wanna nurse'; they're too freakin' old!!!Ladies, do you think that the ';breast feeding'; phenomenon is getting out of control and bad facing FEMINISM ?
I dont have a problem with women breastfeeding their babies in public. Men have breasts too, they're just not developed. Now, as for the women who are doing that on youtube, I think it's not right especially for their kids to be associated with a mother having low morals like that. It's really embarassing for them...
I don't see what the big deal is. It is a natural thing to do like eating, breathing, pissing, taking a dump. Society needs to leave women and children alone. Especially if it has something to do with raising kids.
I am a guy and was insulted by some dimwit female who thought she should protect her breastfeeding friend from my view by sitting herself between myself and the mother, I think those are the people that need help.
I didn't see 20/20 last night either. But I have been following the whole breastfeeding debate for a few years now.

It's not about exhibitionism. This is about a Mom not having to be stuck at home and being able to do things. Breastfeeding a small child is a full time job. If I hadn't breastfed my child while I was out, I never would have been able to go anywhere. I was discreet about it, I was always able to find a private place to do it. But the point is that mothers shouldn't have to hide. As long as they aren't in someone's face with it, they should be able to breastfeed where they want and go about their business.

As for posting pictures ... I think that's mostly unnecessary.
I didn't see the 20/20 special although now I'm curious. Frankly, I think a mother should be able to breast feed her child when she has to. Its freakin' natural. Its what the breast was created to do. And its just a freakin' breast. People make it a big deal for no reason. I say if one doesn't want to see a mother breast feeding then just look the other way. Its a natural thing between a mother and child, a bonding process, and its FAR better for a mother to breast feed than give formula. Given that, why do people have such a problem with women breast feeding in public?
I haven't seen any of this but have heard about it. However, while I agree that it seems somewhat outrageous, change doesn't come because people sit idly by. Women are not going to be breastfeeding on youtube forever, just as women no longer have to picket or have parades to get the vote in many countries. They are making a point, and once the point is made, I assume they will back-off. And it's not really my business when, where, or for what length of time a woman chooses to breastfeed. It's not incestuous - that is ridiculous.
ok what a load of cr ap

1) if you or any woman you know plans her day to pullout her tit to feed deliberately in public has issues you should try to feed when needed why are you planning to expose yourself in public if a child is hungry where ever you are cool do what is natural.

2) what the fuc has this to do with feminism any how it is about the need of the child is it not? to feed...

3) profiteering from the child is normal just look at the divorce and maintenance issues globaly

4) Growen children suppling on mom incestuous yes it is i have a friend who has several children the last a boy at 7 he is obsessed with breast feeding %26amp; with breasts in general ANYBODYS

the mother likes to say its normal but i am sorry to say that i have noticed her getting off on it to the extent she has to change/ shower afterward
I didn't see 20/20 last night.

Breastfeeding is natural and perfectly fine to do in public - to a certain point. I think once the child is a couple years old, it's time to do it privately out of consideration for others, and also for yourself so you don't have to put up with people giving you crap about it. But there's nothing wrong with feeding an infant in public. Most women don't let it all hang out. I never did. I used a blanket, or I made sure my shirt covered any exposed skin. If you are discreet most people will think the baby is just sleeping and you're cuddling it. As long as a woman is modest about it, go for it. Even if she's not, so what? I see more boob on teenage girls in summer with their tiny low-cut tops and I don't hear *anybody* complaining about that or feeling embarrassed about that. People should stop being silly about breastfeeding - and don't compare it to peeing all over the place, please. Not the same at all.

Women who take videos of themselves breastfeeding aren't usually doing it for bad reasons. Generally it's done to show people that it's a beautiful thing and to draw attention to the fact that there's nothing wrong with it. It doesn't harm the baby to be filmed. lol

The only time I think it is ';incestuous'; is when you have an older kid who is fully able to eat by him/herself still breastfeeding. That seems like borderline sexual abuse to me. But babies and toddlers? Nope, that's still okay.
I didn't see the 20/20 special last night and I agree that there should be some modesty exercised when breast feeding a child, simply as a matter of courtesy for others.

That being said, I am a huge proponent of women breast feeding their children if at all possible because I believe that the increase in childhood allergies and overall prevalence of many diseases is largely attributed to the lack of passive immunity that can only be acquired through natural means, i.e. breast feeding.

If a facility doesn't provide a proper place for a baby/child to be breast fed, then the well-being and nutrition of the baby takes precedence over modesty. That's not to say that moms should go out of their way to expose their breasts as they can cover up.

When mothers breast feed a toddler beyond the age of 2 to 3 years, I am of the opinion that this will have deleterious consequences for the child.
The breast pump was invented in the 1800s and has been around longer than the modern day flushable toilet so if men can't just whip out their penis in public and pee all over the walls and floor of an establishment then women should not be allowed to just whip out their boobs and feed their children in public. Both are natural and both should be done in private.
I wish I saw it.... But I dont think its right for woman in plain day in public to take out her boob and have the kid to suck on it. I think that should be done at home.

edit- I agree they should use breast pumps. but seriously taking a boob out in public... thats so embarressing!
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